Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora


How can you offer condolences to the family of a departed friend? Is it possible for a simple bouquet of flowers to truly capture the essence of their life?

At our shops, the Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora is a beloved choice among customers. This feminine arrangement embodies beauty an[...]

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Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora

How can you offer condolences to the family of a departed friend? Is it possible for a simple bouquet of flowers to truly capture the essence of their life?

At our shops, the Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora is a beloved choice among customers. This feminine arrangement embodies beauty an[...]
Order T218-1A Sale $179.95 Add To Cart

How can you offer condolences to the family of a departed friend? Is it possible for a simple bouquet of flowers to truly capture the essence of their life?

At our shops, the Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora is a beloved choice among customers. This feminine arrangement embodies beauty an[...]

How can you offer condolences to the family of a departed friend? Is it possible for a simple bouquet of flowers to truly capture the essence of their life?

At our shops, the Ever Upward Bouquet by Teleflora is a beloved choice among customers. This feminine arrangement embodies beauty and grace, and is presented in a stunning Garlands of Grace Urn.

So, what flowers make up this exquisite bouquet? The collection includes gorgeous pink roses, lovely lilies, and bright yellow dahlias. Towering stems of pink gladioli and pink and violet larkspurs add height, while a mix of huckleberry and eucalyptus ties everything together.

What do these flowers represent? The delicate hues of pink, white, yellow, and lavender create an image of elegance and uprightness. White lilies, often seen at funerals, symbolize the purity of the soul. Pink roses represent admiration for the departed, while tall larkspurs and gladioli symbolize passion and graciousness. Finally, yellow dahlias and huckleberry flowers add a sense of faith and commitment.

The Ever Upward Bouquet is a beautiful way to express love and admiration for someone who has passed. It is a fitting choice for memorial services, but can also be used for decoration due to its pleasant scent and appearance. Our local florists are dedicated to prompt delivery, with same-day services available at all of our U.S. and Canada shops.

Item No. T218-1A

Price: $179.95

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